Sunday, September 1, 2019

Here We Go Again, Again.

Buckle up Baby, It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Good news & bad news.

Good news - Went to the OBGYN this past week. Don't have to do that again for 2 years. (In case you are wondering, that's the good news.)  I have to have a mammogram done, but she doesn't think that the small lump I found is anything to be alarmed about.

Bad news - I stepped on the scale. I didn't want to, but they force you to. Something about getting your vitals... yada-yada-yada. I didn't want to know the number. I can feel how tight my clothes are. I didn't want concrete evidence that I had gained all my weight back.

Yet there it was, in my face, plain as day. All 272 pounds.

So once again I need to get back on the wagon, kick the sugar to the curb, kiss coffee good-bye. I don't even like coffee. its the creamer and the caffeine that I love. I wish that I loved myself as much as I do the sugar and caffeine. Pray for me please. 

Any takers? I may slap back when hangry.. just sayin. 

Time to start planning and prepping. Have a blessed day! 

Weight Loss Accountability Jar

Weight Loss Accountability Jar 

One of these days...

I will stop emptying this jar and starting over.
This jar will have 100 glass cubes in it. Each cube representing one pound, a hard battle fought.

Will I ever win this battle?

Quitting is too easy, starting over is too hard.

Will today be that day? Tomorrow?

One of these days I will prevail. Until then, I keep starting over.